This is a 1-week jam project I created in order to flex my creative muscles for a little bit of time outside of class and practice. Since I don't have the time to compete in any real jams with my hectic schedule I figured giving myself a limit of 1 week using any free time I can find would be fun. I've really enjoyed working on this project and have been inspired to try out some game jams this summer. 

Most of the artwork was collected from other artists on the internet but the little coin and crate I did myself. I'm not a pixel artist by any stretch of the imagination but having a game that didn't include any art I had made myself felt like a cop-out. 

List of Assets I used from other people:

Jump, Coin Sound - SFXR 

Background Soundtrack - Szymon Matuszewki - "Art", "Avalanche", "Drop", "First", "Octopus", "X&Y Amp"

Lava Crackling Sound - Youtube lava sound effect


Animated Lava -

Gear -

Background Factory -

Development log

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